Becoming an anti-racist educator is a journey
Speaking and Keynotes
Equity, diversity, and inclusion – what does that look like in your classroom?
We customize every presentation to meet the objectives of your event and to best support your community.
Cookie-cutter training doesn’t work
Your needs are analyzed through several pre-training needs assessment meetings. In some cases, a pre-training questionnaire tailored to your group is filled out by your participants. With these tools, we tailor training for the needs of your school or district.
Frequently requested topics:
How to talk about RACE in my classroom
The Journey to becoming an Anti-Racist Educator
Equity, Diversity and Inclusion: what does that look like in your classroom?
Adding diversity to my lesson plan
EDI and how it relates to classroom management
Training and Workshops
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
Consulting and Facilitating
Make real progress
We bring together our deep commitment to social justice and equity with our experience working directly in the classroom to help schools and educators make real progress toward their goals.
Frequently requested topics:
Find your blind spots
Take a deep look into your organization to find areas that can be improved
EDI-centered group facilitating
Facilitation skills:
Create an inclusive environment
Communicate clear guidelines and instructions
Encourage participation
Facilitate conversations
Build consensus
Manage group dynamics
Manage conflict
Bring empathy and active listening
Hold time and space to accomplish your goals
What customers are saying:
“Kenesha has a disarming way of delivering the information without sugar-coating it. I like how she keeps it real.” - PEPS Seattle Staff
“Kenesha - Thank you all SO MUCH for your presentation yesterday! Our staff was grateful - and some great ideas were discussed at the end of our meeting. Super excited about this partnership!” - Principal
“You did more in two hours than some people do in two days. Thank you!” - Teacher
“Thank you so much for hosting such a useful and enjoyable training. Please keep me posted about upcoming events.”- Teacher